Metis x Zapper - Dashboard & Explorer proposal
Introduction: Zapper provides support for Metis which offers on-chain users a DeFi dashboard feature for their wallets, NFT tracking and valuation, chain activity feed & a blockchain explorer which makes on-chain events human readable. All of this, available on web & mobile. Exploring Metis will be more fun with Zapper!**
Benefits for users… Why Zapper?: At Zapper our mission is to make blockchains accessible and readable for everyone. We do so by providing our community with a long list of features that range from on-chain activity trends to the possibility of grouping multiple wallets under a bundle whatever chain those wallets may be on. These tools bring the on-chain user’s experience to the next level!
Builders will also benefit from Zapper supporting Metis chain! With 21 API endpoints, we offer a wide coverage and accessibility of data.
Did you know?
Zapper receives over 1.3M visits per month. Which would bring many new eyes to the Metis ecosystem!
Since supporting a new network in August 2023 (Base) we have received over 1.7M USD$ volume of swaps on Zapper. We help generate activity on the networks we support.
Detailed Proposal:
In order to provide the Metis community with the missing tools, and enhance the on-chain experience of all users, Zapper proposes to support Metis with its full list of available features.
Portfolio Dashboard: On its profile, a user can track a lot of important information such as their list of assets and up-to-date valuation, list of claimable rewards, list of open positions on different apps and much more.
NFTs valuation: Through this portfolio feature, it is also possible for someone to track their NFT collection and estimated value for each piece of the collection. Estimated value is calculated by Zapper by accounting for the trait rarity of the NFT and recent sales to better estimate the real value of the NFT, not simply accounting for floor price.
Activity Feed & Trends: Zapper’s activity feed allows anyone to quickly see what is currently happening on-chain. The activity feed can be customized by chain, by category (swaps, NFT mints, NFT sales) and users can also track specific accounts on their feed.
Human-readable Events: Zapper’s blockchain explorer is all about making the blockchain readable and accessible to everyone, whatever their technical background may be. Users can submit human readable interpretations of on-chain events, and Zapper will then render those interpretations to all users
Mobile apps: Zapper offers mobile apps that are available both on iOS and Android. These mobile apps offer Zapper’s full list of features so that users can have the same experience on mobile or web.
Social: A Zapper user can easily follow friends and other wallets of interest. They can also be followed by other on-chain members.
Data available via Zapper API suite: Zapper offers access to 3rd parties to the valuations we output via our API. This access is granted per-request. Additionally, Zapper Protocol will be offering a GraphQL API for developers to access interpreted data. This API will be the primary way for developers to access onchain data from Zapper Protocol. Notable perks of this solution includes that your data will be returned in our GraphQL API, which will then be available for apps to build on. Users will also be able to contribute to this by interpreting events, contract positions, tokens and more. And these users can be rewarded for their efforts.
Wallet Bundles: Bundles allow users to easily track multiple wallets in a single feed and location. Users can track wallets across different chains easily by simply adding them to a bundle.
Swap & Bridge: Zapper’s bridge feature allows users to easily bridge to and from different chains directly from the Zapper website. Same goes for the ability to swap from one token to another on Zapper .
User notifications: With Zapper, a user can customize notifications to be alerted of specific on-chain events. This feature is also available on mobile apps.
Accessibility: In order to provide the best experience for all users, Zapper offers many options for a user to customize their experience on Zapper. For example, a user can choose from 20 different base currencies, they can choose from 16 different languages, as well as choosing between a light and a dark version of the website.
User support: In addition to the features made available, Zapper will also offer full user support. User support is made available through multiple channels including Discord, ZenDesk, Telegram & X (Twitter).
Budget & Timeline
Zapper is asking for a grant of 33,750$ which will cover the infrastructure cost of backfilling all of Metis blockchain history back to the first block to offer users price history for tokens and NFTs.
This grant will also cover the expected infrastructure cost of supporting Metis for a full year.
Once the proposal is approved, Zapper expects to have Metis fully integrated and supported within 4 weeks.
Comments & Questions
Zapper is happy to present this proposal for review and comments to the Metis community. All feedback on this proposal is welcomed.
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