CVP Proposal: Launch Bullishs on Metis

This is the, The first omni chains with seamless transactions tech involved in a tapping advertising game platform.
We support 13 chains, including Metis, Bitlayer, Optopia, Nal, AILayer, Arb, OP, Scroll, Linea, Blast,Taiko, Bob, Polygonevm.

We are working on merging all chains and Dapps rewards to one transaction on-chain for users.
Let users benefit from playing tapping games, at the same time reducing marketing fees for our partners.(Users exposure for Dapps and all chains, additionally providing real tx data for chains).
1.Reduce the chains and Dapps marketing fee for one single tx or one user.
2.Make the users in Bullishs could benefit from total giveaways from partners by tapping eating coins in the game.
3. Become the largest web3 advertisement platform.
4. Providing services to all web3 startups.

Website :
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Docs : Bullishs-Tutorial. Who is bullishs? | by BullishsOfficial | Medium

Game screenshot:

Sorry but it seems there is not much to work with here especially it core benefits for metis’ users, what it will bring to the metis eco and what-not. Besides, what are your answers to this
How do you plan to ensure seamless integration of 13 different chains, each with unique infrastructure, while maintaining real-time, accurate transaction data across all chains for both users and DApps in your game platform? How will you handle potential interoperability challenges, scalability, and the need for cross-chain consensus, especially as you merge all chains and DApps rewards into one transaction?